Vamana Sansadhana Yantra

Vamana Sansadhana Yantra- an interdisciplinary project

Our college, KLE Dr. M. S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology along with India's best Ayurvedic college KAHER B. M. Kankanwadi Ayurved Mahavidhyalaya, came up with interdisciplinary project concept. One of the most challenging was Vamana Sansadhana yantra. Vamana Karma is a panchakarma process involving induced vomiting by patients. The doctors wanted an analysis, along with comfort for the patients.

Along with our mentor Dr. Rajashri Khanai, the team lead by me, underwent the process of identifying the problem and designing a low cost solution.

Process we followed

  • Asked the doctors the type of instrument required
  • Brainstormed various designs
  • Tested individual features
  • Created 3d model for better understanding
  • Made a prototype looking like the real solution

Awards and recognition

  1. India Innovation Challenge and design contest 2018 winners
  2. Best Project Award 2019
  3. KLE Centenary celebration recipient
  4. Incubation at IIMB

We did complete the project and give it to the college for testing.