Driver Assist System (DAS v3.2)

Driver Assist System.

A driver assist system are set of technologies developed and used for assistance and convenience of Driver. DAS was a part of roject assigned to us by Prof. Arun Tigadi.

  • Automatic Headlight system
  • Automatic break light
  • ABS system
  • Headlight movement at curves
  • When a person comes near to the vehicle, automatic breaking to avoid accidence
  • Fog light system

Were some of the key features. Some notable achievements with the project,

  1. Best Mini project award
  2. Selected for KPIT Prototyping phase
  3. Presented to TCS EIS Experts during Automotive Lab launch

The journey consisted of creating 3 prototypes, hence 3.2, and the features were tested and concluded

Controllers used: Arduino Uno, Mega, Nano

Sensors Used: Ultrasonic sensor, DHT11, LED's, Servo Motor MG945