Automatic Indicator system

Automatic Indicator System using ML

Everyday when I travelled to my college, I faced this problem that people never put their indicators on, despite the many turns in the lane. I witnessed few accidents as well, delay in traffic due to this. From the start I wanted to solution this, and with Knowledge of Electronics and Automotive electronics, I was sure too. I pitched in the idea at my Internship at KPIT, but failed as the time was short. I stared learning Python and computer vision.


  • ML based lane identification and prediction of turns
  • CV for lane identification
  • Integration with Google Maps
  • Data collection through app

It was not only the Idea that got,

  1. Winner of Idea presentation
  2. Best Final Year Project
  3. KPIT Internship basic project

However, I wish to

  1. Write paper
  2. Research and get it implemented

I did try to apply at Tesla and Mercedes Benz, but till then the Automotive Industry as whole was hit. I didnt hear back any soon...